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To accompany our customers in solving their problems and provide them with “in-country/local” support, Synvance decided, in 2019, to expand its international activity and open its first branch in Africa.

Our Office in Morocco, SYNVANCE
“After spending several enriching and experience building years in major French Consulting companies, I decided to embark on my next challenge: co developing a consulting cabinet/firm in Morocco. For me this move seemed like a natural progression. Morocco and France are closely linked. Their history, culture, and languages are inter-related and there is a solid economic and scientific  cooperation between the two countries. “

Amal Barrit — VP Africa

Our Team

Amal Barrit
VP Africa

 Corresponding Council Morocco


Our Office in Morocco, SYNVANCE

Office Strategy

Synvance Africa already has prestigious references.

We are proud to be working alongside them and forging long-term partnerships together.
Our goal is to become a major strategic player for Moroccan companies and to establish an African Hub that shares best practices and the most innovative solutions available in the market.
In addition, Synvance Africa is now a SAP reseller (SAP PartnerEdge) for French-speaking African countries.
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