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What are stakes and impacts of dematerialization?

Olivier Com analyzes the implications of dematerialization for French enterprises, with a particular emphasis on transmitting VAT invoicing data in real-time. To maintain the tax sustainability of their invoices, firms must adjust their information systems and operational procedures. While selecting an appropriate platform for generating or receiving electronic invoices is essential, it is equally critical to factor in the effects on reference frameworks, operational workflows, data accuracy, and governance.

What are the stakes of dematerialization in 2024 for companies?

The dematerialization of invoices implies the obligation to transmit invoice data subject to VAT to the tax authorities almost in real time. This systematization of information transmission will not only lead to the implementation of permanent tax control for all French companies, but also to the chronic monitoring of invoice payment deadlines.

The stakes for French companies are therefore at two levels:

  • Compliance of information systems to switch to electronic invoicing 
  • Compliance of business processes to ensure the sustainability of invoicing and their processing

What are the impacts for French companies?

To issue or receive an electronic invoice, a company can rely on:

  • A dematerialization platform partner of the administration (PDP) , that is registered by the tax authorities.
  • The public invoicing portal (DPD).
What are stakes and impacts of dematerialization?, SYNVANCE

Olivier Com,

Senior Manager



This choice of solutions largely captures the attention of companies to the detriment of the more significant impacts on business processes and information systems (IS) of organizations. Therefore, this project should be seen as an iceberg, with the visible part representing the choice of platform and the submerged part representing the impacts on:

  • References (clients/suppliers/articles)
  • Business processes (identification of use cases and their processing)
  • Data completeness ( ensuring the availability of data and their structuring to feed e-invoicing and e-reporting flows)
  • Governance (defining the organization and the RACI of the run in the context of the generalization of electronic invoicing).

How can Synvance support you? 

As a management and technology consulting firm, Synvance provides guidance to businesses on their core transformational activities regarding their supply chain, from identification through business-as-usual.

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